Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I saw SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and when you see such kinda movie you are always stuck by the fact that why can’t an Indian make such a movie. I mean you have a Namesake made by Mira Nair, NRI. And now this one made by a rank outsider, Danny Boyle. Brilliant movie no doubt, and not only that this movie also celebrates all those things that probably we think to be mundane.
The movie makes you take a look at those slums and underbelly of India which you look thru the tinted glasses of your air conditioned car. But not in anyway de-meaning it, always celebrating the simplicity of life. The movie has its light moments and showcases some of brilliant portrayed scenes where a person feels completely helpless.
They young Jamal (the main protagonist) does a brilliant act. The screenplay is a winner it goes happy grime way and that makes us laugh and think at the same time. The time when the young Jamal takes foreign tourists on a ride(pun intended) as a fake guide, it makes you laugh and fall off your chairs. And then you have a scene when Salim (Jamal’s elder brother) beds a young Latika (Jamal’s love interest) infront of a Jamal by weidling a gun and you can very well feel the helplessness in the eyes of the young boy. These are the high points of the movie, I mean you just cannot take your eyes off the way every single nuances that has been handled. Dev Patel pitches in with a good performance, Freida Pinto looks gud and Anil Kapoor & Irrfan Khan are good at the roles that they have been entrusted it with.
But once you see the movie you understand that this not a movie that is made by the characters but by the story and the way it has been told. So all the kudos goes to Danny Boyle. I mean in no way could this movie have been the way it is had it been any other director. This very well justifies that there has been no nomination for actors in the movie. Music is brilliant and that goes without saying that A.R.Rahman is a man to reckon with on International scene now.
A brilliant movie that celebrates everything that’s Indian and gives you hope at the end. A brilliant movie and no doubt a must watch for all.