Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Half Century

Hey I made the glorious Half Century(50 blogs and still not out) and its of course some achievement for me. By my standard i never thought that I could ever go beyond 3 -4 blogs, but then I must say that these are really addictive stuffs and keeps me busy at times when I have nothing to do.
Thank you all for reading this blog... okay there are two people reading this blog. Me and you, but still I have to write this.
There would be more....

Monotony of Life

Late nights
Early Mornings
Missed Breakfasts
Rush to the office
Coffee Breaks
Lunch Breaks
Back To Work
Late Evenings at work
Wekends with friends
Late nights...


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When we met Shi...

It was a good week. With a very good mix of work and fun, in fact the best mix. I mean there was no work and it was all fun. That’s what made it all fun and no work week, and didn’t make me a dull guy.

Okay first, Shi was here on her annual trip. Jaya Aunty (Shi’s Mom) had called me and asked me to arrange for her accommodation. I did so. Sam offered her place. On 24th she arrived in Delhi. We had some a lot of catching up to do, after all its been six months since we met. So we(Shi n Me)went for Ghajini (Aamir being the common factor) and then had a quick dinner, though it was not long enough to catch up but we managed. Post that Sam picked her up from PVR Anupam and I joined Zalil, Cheenku and Jhoothdev for dinner and then for a movie (Yes Man).

25th early morning I went for badminton and post the badi game I went to Sam’s place. Venky, Tee and Neha were already there. We were meeting after four months. I mean we (Shi nt included) all stay in Delhi and still we never meet unless there’s some special occasion. That’s really bad.

We chatted, we watched some movies and then we had dinner. Infact we ordered pizzas. I had some work the next day and that’s why had to come to Delhi. Tee dropped me home.

Saturday morning I woke up a bit late. Anuj and Komal had invited us (Richa, Nitant, Ankur, Reetu, Saurabh, Eveneet and myself) for lunch. So we reached there place at 2-30 and post a really good lunch we left there place at 5-00pm. In between there were a lot of office gossips and talks.

In the evening I went to Sam’s place. The next day was Sunday, so everyone was relaxed. Tee had invited her boyfriend over for dinner. Btw this time we cooked our dinner ourselves. I though helped by not helping them. Shi cooked really good biryani. Staying outside India has certainly taught her a lot of things I must say. First of all she has stopped hitting me, the way she used to. It was good fun. I mean all friends catching up after such a long time.

Venky is leaving for LA next week, Neha is going back to Bangalore and Tee would be getting married and flying to Duabi with her BF (n wd be husband) next month. Shi and I were talking about how things are changing. It was only a year back when every weekend we used to meet and now. We all miss those days of nightouts, parties and fun...

Shi left the next day. She had a late night flight to catch, destination SA(lucky ass). Tee, Venky, Sam and me were there to drop her off. A group hug and few tears(strictly from Tee and Sam) later we waved Shi goodbye. I reached home late and crashed into bed. It was a great weekend. But ofcourse I would miss my friends… Love you guys…

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I learnt my Lesson...

I think... no I knew I was doing wrong but then, they say that its always easy to walk along the wrong path than the right one and thats what I was doing. I mean if you have read my last blog, you must have read that the bogus investment that I did. So when I told the same thing to Richa, unlike others, she was quite upset and told me that its not right. Of course she was right. I mean Thank You, it is for you that I was able to learn my mistakes and undo them. So the next thing that I did was I called my agent and asked him to cancel my present investment and re-invested. This time I did a right thing.
In a way it did remove a sense of guilt in me. I think it was a great learning. I mean we always take this cheap thrills by doing things against law. I mean everytime we are able to roam around the city with our seat belts off, everytime we smoke in public, everytime we are on mobile while driving, jumping the traffic signal and still not getting caught, we make a story out of it (the way I did) and of course we get quite an appreciating audience. The problem lies here, everyone takes pride in these cheap thrills. We all believe that we are fooling the government and it doesn't harm anyone else. But the truth is we are not fooling the government and it is we the people who are getting hurt in the whole process.

I would hence forth try to be a responsible citizen. Thank you Richa.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Me and Savings...

Decemeber means that we need to have our investments done. Me being me always had to depend on others for the same. But this time I thought to save others the pain and decided to act smart and invest. I was able to save 50k, which is by my standard nothing less than a fortune.

I had 50k but I had to save 80k and what do I do, I get hold of a good agent for investment. So what I did, I invested in a Life Insurance with a free lock in period of 14 days, free lock in means that you can choose to take your money out within that time without gettin charged any extra. I got my tax certificate in a week's time. The next day I got the thing cancelled. I got back my money and with some jugad also the original certificate. the money that I got was then used to get the remaining 30k invested. And I was thru with a neat profit of 20k. Smart... Okay you can say so...

What a lazy week...

This week was a complete opposite of the last one, I mean we had no work. Unlike last week when everything was on fire and we acted as LADDER 49 men, this week was A GOOD YEAR. Very slow, no work and we were all left to ourselves. Barring Monday I had no client calls to wake me up from my peaceful non-working status.

We had our office escapedes too. We went to see movies. Left office early and in between when we found time we did clean up some back logs.

I bought a few books. I think I am gonna finish them. I mean my quota for a month is filled. I bought, Tokyo Cancelled, The Godfather, TO Kill a Mocking Bird and Bunker 13. I know its a lot many books but I am planning to finish them all in the next month. Out of them Godfather was more of a collector thing, as I have already finished that. I was almost about to buy this Friends Collector book, but then I saw the price tag. I know it wasnt too pricey but then I thought lets save something for the rainy season.

I saw this movie Mulholland Drive, by David Lynch, the guy who made Memento. It is a nice one. I think I am developing this big love for Neo- Noirs. I loved all the Quentin Tarantino flicks, David Lynch stuffs. Am I getting corrupted. I mean the movies are so disturbing but I think these are a big high. Whenever you watch them, they give you such an adrenalin rush. I literally sit on the edge of the chair.

Fast Forwards, Rewind...

Fast forward, rewind
you are always on my mind
my last thought before I dream
as surreal as it may seem

Rewind back to when we first met
it is the best day yet
pause on the moment you caught my eyes
it's still my favorite,that's no surprise
play it through,we became so close
to be with you,is what I want most
fast forward through our little fights
pause forever on those endless summer nights

Fast forward, rewind
you are always on my mind
my last thought before I dream
as surreal as it may seem

It seems as thought, the reel starts to end
just press rewind and begin again
pause on the parts you like best
fast forward through all the rest
and if again you feel the end is near
know that you can live it right here

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This Weekend At Badi...

This Saturday we had a new member at the game. Aasit (I hope I have got the name right), Nirepinder's Bro-in-law. We had a really early start to the game today. We started at 9-30 and ended at 11-30 am it was a long enuf session. I am sure the next week's gonna be really good as I think there would be even more people to play with. Let's see. The game was good and post the match I came back to the office. I think work would be lighter the next week. Chalo lets pray for the same.....

One Long Day at the office...

This one such day when I have nothing to do, Vivek (my boss) is sitting right next to me. So every time I open rediff to check score or bollyextreme to download songs or you tube to see something interesting I turn back and invariably find him peeping into my PC. Actually Monika is back from her honeymoon and our bay doesnt have enuf space for 7 ppl, so Vivek is sharing desk with. I know he doesnt want me to waste my time and clogging the official bandwidth and thats why he has strategically made himself sit right next to me. So now you might be thinking how did I manage to write this blog. Okay, Richa helped me out. I mean we switched places. She had some work and she went to my WS and me to hers. It was a cool move. Her WS is at a blind spot from where Vivek works, She sits right behind Vivek.

In these recession times its not easy working and I think lucky are those who are laid off. I mean atleast they have a job, of job job-hunting. The ones like us who are on job are more jobless than those who have been shown the doors. I mean with not more than one project at one time and at times you dont even have that. You feel so very bored at work.. but then u gotta show urself bz else u mi8 end up as the next in line for the pink slip. What a vicious circle. Its certainly killing me; Pretending to work. I give up... no I dont give up working... I give up lazying off.

Btw I never understood the pink slip thing. I mean is it some girl who invented this thing, pink slip. I am sure no guy would like to call a firing note a pink slip. I would rather call it a red card, as in football or a black card as in everything thts mournful needs to be coloured black.
But pink slip? Who would call it so... I dont know but I would never want to be given a Pink Slip. I mean even when they lay me off, give me a termination letter, throw me out of the door but never a pink slip.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Coffee Break...

On cold winter evenings everyone loves to have a cup of coffee, and what better way to have it than with friends. So this Thursday, we (Richa, Nitant, Ankur, Anshuman and myself) were thru with work by 6-30 pm (which is early by all our standards) and thought to go out for coffee. This time for a change we were quick to choose the place of visit, it was to be La Café at Crown Plaza. My only reservations for such places come from the low decibel levels that you have to maintain, which means to be someone unlike me. But democracy, it gives you the freedom of expression but curtails the magnitude of implication (wow, must think seriously about writing stuffs). So then we went for the coffee thingy.
We probably were the youngest lot out there. There was this hep lookin aunty and uncle in a corner. There was this really beautiful girl, wearing an off white salwar with some guy, we later found out they were for a match-fixing (as in, thingy. They had there family sitting nearby discussing other things, while these two were left to discuss there life. What the F, I mean how can a boy and a girl discuss there life on a coffee table with the clattering of spoon from the adjacent table and blabbering of we-like people from the other. Moreover, everytime the girl looked towards the table occupied by the family, she had a few on lookers, giving those suggestive smile to her. Okay I wont go into it anymore.

The waiter set the menu infront of us and we all tried to find something that fitted our budget and tummy without burning a big hole in our wallets. We ordered some snacks. The best was that of Anshuman as that had complimentary breads and we all had it to our fill. Richa, Ankur and Myself had ordered some pasteries and Nitant had asked for Fillet with French fries.

Nitant was behaving very classy, I mean everytime we laughed (read, behaved cheaply) he was there to ‘shoo’ us down. But then our enthu was too much for him to handle and he too joined us. By the time the coffee party was over, the hotel management must have taken note of each one of us and asked the guards not to let us in the next time. Post that we got some pasteries and cakes. Then we returned home. It was a good break.

I wish that couple get some more quality time to spend with each other before they decide to get married, I mean if they at all do. The aunty needed a serious makeover. Okay I shdnt be the one to comment on ppl, but hey I have a blog and I can, so wat the heck, I will.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Man Vs Woman!!!

I was there standing next to a close friend of mine while he was getting the thrashing of his life, no not from his boss, rather from his girlfriend. The reason; same old he forgot their first gift anniversary, I mean ‘gimme a break’. That’s when this thing came to my mind that how things are so easy for guys to forget and how easy it is for a girl to remember every single thing. ‘You remember the colour of my shades when we first met’, I mean how am I gonna remember, when I doubt if I remember the day when we met.

We guys have this different kinda brain from girls. I mean everything is so very compartmentalized in the head. I mean each compartment dedicated to a single thought. If you are thinking about girls it will be the ladies compartment. Movies will be movie compartment and Sports, well, that’s a special one but still it has a separate compartment of its own. And girls, well they have these barb wire thing. Everything twisted twirled and wound around like a lump of wool. Everything is connected to one another.

So when your girl friend/wife would be asking you “How do I look today”, she is very well deciding the menu for the dinner on the basis of your reply. Shopping is a very good example, we need a pair of jeans, we would go to Levi’s pick one for ourself and return. A girl: well she will buy a pair of stilettos, a matching top and pair of earrings to go with the pair of jeans which she will invariably buy at the end. I mean why the confusion girl, you want something go get it.

The smartest woman I know was Eve, she made Adam look beyond apples, I mean who the hell gonna waste times on apple when you have such a beautiful (cannot say if she was beautiful or not but she was one secured girl, she never had competition) girl infront of you. And since then men have never looked back at apples and women have stopped being smart.

I know I am sounding like an MCP with all these sexist remarks, but frankly I have all the respect for women. This blog is written in lighter vain, so please keep it to that only.

More than just a game of Cricket!!!

Cricket, someone said is religion in India. Probably its more. So on 15th Dec when India walked into the field to bat on the 5th day of the first test against England, the whole India was praying for a victory. It was not just another test victory. India needed something to lift its spirit. Post Mumbai terrorist situation, probably every Indian needed a common cause to celebrate. The joy that would bring smile on the face of a street kid and the man in a merc. A cause that is of national celebration. Then what else can it be other than cricket. An imposing total of 387 on the final day. Very unlikely and that too at a venue which doesnot hold too many winning memories for India.

So when Viru went blitzkrieg, before falling, last evening a candle of hope was lighted. This morning, however, India started on a wrong foot. Dravid and Gambhir went in quick succession. Laxman played well before departing. As always it seemed that India is looking down the barrel. A promise well made but not delivered. But that’s when the most bankable player of the country rose to the occasion, Sachin Tendulkar. He alongwith Yuvraj Singh (84 not out) got India the victory. So when Sachin moved from 99 to 103 with the boundary that also brought India the victory, every cheer in the crowd, every eye watching the match on the TV, must have felt proud. Proud of being an Indian. Proud to do be an achiever against all odds. Above all, it was a victory that says: Spirit still runs deep, in every Indian vein.

Probably cricket could do so cause, every average Indian who can hold a bat thinks himself good enough to be a master of the game. And every shot from the bat and every ball bowled carries the aspiration of every single cricket crazy Indian. So when the 11 men in blue (rather, white) walk into the field, we relate to each one of them. We see our dreams through there actions. So every loss is criticized and every win rejoiced.

Thank you team India for giving us a reason to smile, in these trying times.

A welcome break...

What does a bunch of tired and worked out researchers make. I don’t think much of you have guessed it, let me answer it, they make a group of really good backpackers.

Sudhanshu and Monika’s wedding was to be the event of the year and that’s when we decided that since the wedding is on Sunday, we can very well go to Amritsar on a weekend trip, on Saturday and then from there on we can move to Ludhiana where the wedding is to take place. Okay now let me introduce you all to ‘we’ first. The ‘we’ includes: Nitant, Reetu, Ankur, Richa and myself.

Firs the plan: Monika and Sud’s wedding was on 7th December and we decided that we shud therefore plan to leave Delhi on 5th evening, which happened to be Friday. Reach Amritsar on 6th. Go to golden temple and then move to Attari border. Go back to hotel and leave for Ludhiana via a late night train. What an idea sirji.

We went about the plan, booked all the tickets. They were all in the waiting list but we hoped that they would get converted.

On the D-day, i.e. on 5th we found out that we had ‘hoped against the hope hopen’. We had to cancel all the tickets as none of them were confirmed. But then thanks to Nitant’s jugad we were able to manage a cab. Thus we went from rail to road. From compartmentalized boogies to open road. Some votings, some arguments and a few brain storming went over before we all unanimously voted for cab. Though I must say that Nitant and me had our two thumbs up for the cab from the very beginning.

It was a late start though I must say. Had it been train we would have started at around 8:30 pm but the cab took long time to reach our office itself. We all had our bags packed and got them with us to the office.

Enough was said and commented about my bag, which was the biggest of all. Though Nitant also had a similar kinda stuff but then I happened to be popular target. By the time cab arrived, Reetu was through her first phase of sleeping, Nitant and me had helped ourselves with a slice of pizza each, Ankur had got his bag packed and Richa, well, she was everywhere.

So finally we left office at around 11 pm. And decided that the first stop would be at Murthal where we would have our dinner. By the time we reached Murthal we had done a lot of gossiping, leg pulling and commenting. Thank God we didn’t discuss much of work. Reetu was thru another phase of her sleeping.

We got down at Gulshan Dhaba. It is one of the fav food joint on the highway towards Punjab. So we ordered ourselves different varieties of Paranthas, gobi, aloo, paneer,etc. Topped with butter and all the greasy stuffs that any health conscious person would have avoided, but then we were not that type and had no problems in indulging in such delicacies of life, and it so happened that the dinner at Murthal was like a curtain raiser for the whole trip. By the time we were done, it was a bit over 2:30 pm. We had bought two packs of cards to pass time.

Nitant taught us how to play bluffs. We also played flash and Richa, a rookie at the game, was lucky in cards, as we all lost. An after thought, unlucky in cards doesn’t always mean that you are lucky in love, all those who lost that night must have felt that way. The driver felt sleepy and that’s when Ankur took over. We had another stop in the way, from there on it was Nitant. Nitant drove till Jalandhar. The foggy surrounding, was good enuf reason for shutter happy people like us to go gaga and take a few snaps. I tried my hands at the wheels for a brief period before the driver realized my potential and asked me to hand over the reigns to him. So atlast the driver got to do the thing that he was supposed to, drive.

We stopped at a roadside dhaba before entering Amritsar, where we had tea and biscuits. Took some snaps at a nearby sarson da khet. Ankur was spotted in some compromising positions, we have the snap to prove it. And then we set off to Amritsar. We reached Amritsar at 8:30. We checked into a hotel very close to Golden Temple. It was a decent one, named Hotel Lucky.

Overnight journey took its toll as Nitant and Ankur, decided to sleep before moving out. So we decided to rest. We all got ready by 1:30 pm and decided to have our lunch.

Bhrawa Da Dhaba was the destination. Me having visited Amritsar earlier was the guide, though unacknowledged and unrecognized. We again indulged in some bad food habits and ate as if we would be dying tomorrow. Post the big lunch we went to Golden temple but then we were getting late for the retreat at the Attari border and the line at the temple seemed to be too big, so we decided to give it a slip and come back in the evening.

The retreat at the border was awesome and brought a sense of patriotism. We went snap crazy, as Reetu took a snap with lamp post, Richa with a realllllyyyy tall army guy, Ankur, Nitant and myself with anything and everything.

We returned to Amritsar, and thank god the Jalianwala Bagh was open. I mean it usually closes at around 7 but then it was open at 7:30. So we visited it. Again took some snaps and then went shopping. I bought a kirpan (a traditional weapon used by Sikhs), and all of us got ourselves papad, amritsari papad. Then we went back to hotel. At hotel we had nothing to do before dinner, so we thought of doing something different, which meant no Antakshari, no cards so we played truth session. Which is as the name suggests anyone can ask a question to anyone in the group and that person has to give an honest reply. It was fun and of course some skeletons did tumble out of the closets. But then things are too classified to be disclosed here. We then had our dinner, went to the temple. The temple was closed but then you are allowed inside the premises. So we roamed around a bit and then went to back to hotel. We reached hotel and all crashed. The next day we woke up early and went to Golden temple, post darshan had the Prasad. Richa and me had the most.

After the darshan we returned to hotel packed our bags and left for Ludhiana. On our way to Ludhiana, again we went snappy-happy. Cliked ourselves in a sarson da khet, Ankur flew a kite, we had tea, and got in the cab and drove away saying our final good bye to Amritsar, which was an awesome place.

We had our lunch at Haveli. It’s an awesome place. I mean the authentic settings and the ambience was awesome. Post the halt at Haveli we finally drove to our destination. Pokharwal Road, Ludhiana for the wedding. After asking a few people for direction and callin Monika and her brother Goru for n number of times, we managed to reach Monika’s house.

We reached wedding in time. Sud was still on the ghodi. The wedding was fun, then we decided to return. The driver was drunk and Nitant, the best driver of us all. Took the wheels in his hand. He drove 80 kms. Then we halted, had tea. Richa was fast asleep by then. The driver took over. Nitant got some rest. We all went to sleep. And by the time we opened our eyes it was Delhi.

The trip was awesome and definitely refreshed us all up. A welcome break is how I put it. One thing I learnt is no matter where you go and whatever the place may be… it’s the company of friends that matter. So the next trip is to….

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Last week was hectic and with all those work.. we all were at the verge of nervouse breakdown... okay I am exagerrating a bit but then

Friday, December 5, 2008

Roadies is Back... What a relief to the TV Boredom

Beat your boredom watch Roadies. Its been a habit since the start of roadies that I look forward to this time of the year. Not that it is the only thing that makes me do so, but then of course it is one of those shows that I like so much that I have been watching it for last five years and can literally remember each and every Roady. The meaness of the characters and the group dynamism. I mean the reality show thing is taken to an altogether new heights. I know I am going over the board but I can’t help it.

So the show is back and I am more than happy about it. I am certainly gonna be the most ardent follower as always. Although this weekend I am gonna miss it as I would be going for Monika and Sudhanshu’s wedding. Its moving down under.

But whatever it is my weekends gonna be slightly less boring than the usual.
So this is to the Roadies Down Under!!!

Last Sunday of Nov...

Its been like a fixture, I mean every weekend we have a new player for badminton and then he/she doesn’t return. That just goes to show the standard of our game. I mean at times it plummets to the level of earthworm. I mean if they are able to lift the badminton racquet even they might believe that they can defeat us.
This is time it was another new face: Shobha, an ex-imrbite and Sumita’s friend.

Sumita was in her best form as she beat every other pair on the court left right and centre. Richa and me just managed to sneak in a win and then again the story continued. I have a complain I mean, its been quite a while since the team has munched on the calorie-enhancing diets (junk food) together. I stay back alone to do the honors of replenishing my lost calories.

The Sunday was boring, I mean I don’t hate going to work on Sunday but then this Sunday somehow I felt that I was harassed I mean I was so very much in love with my sleep(probably for the first time in my life), that I kept delaying the time to reach office. Atlast I did drag myself to the office and then when I reached, Ankur and Vivek had already been there. We had our lunch, almost a seven course meal for three of us, and dispersed. Okay the work part, I didn’t miss it, it just didn’t happen. I mean we talked what to do and what not but we ended up not doing anything. That’s the best part about the corporate world that all you do is meetings.

So post the work thing I got back home. Did see a few re runs, now these TV guys have not yet been out of their slumbers, the strike is still on.

Revenge at last!!!

Khuda ke ghar mein der hai par andher nahin, at times the inverter takes sometime to get charged up. So it was one winter evening that I decided to take the revenge. For those who have missed the first part of this revenge thingy: I was conned by the Devil who doesn’t wear Prada (Richa). And thus I decided that I need to take revenge. She told me about a meeting that was never there and I had to wear formals on Friday and look fool, when everyone around was in most casual form.
So it thus happened that yesterday I called her up and told her that there is a meeting knowing that she would think it to be a prank where as there was a meeting scheduled. So that’s what she did and when she walked into the office blissfully for the no-meeting day, there it was the meeting. I don’t think this to be an apt reply but then a good one to console my bruised ego for sometime, till something better crops up in my mind….

Monday, December 1, 2008

...and there was blood: The Mumbai Attack

Every countries’ worst fear, breach of its security, putting the public in serious threat of life: a National Security situation and that was exactly what we saw, when Mumbai was attacked by a handful of terrorists. As they took, Nariman Building, Obeori, Trident and Taj hostage and sprayed bullets across the city killing 184 people and leaving more than 200 injured, India experienced its most horrifying terrorist attacks on 26th Nov '08, that lasted over 59 hours. Some of the brightest police officers of Mumbai police force and NSG reached martyrdom while trying to rescue the innocents.
It was the worst thing that could have happened to any democracy. The Govt definitely has failed and as we heard a greatly perturbed Shobha De on the national television we could hear the voice of many Mumbaikars, who were highly disturbed and interrupted. For once the city that never stops was brought to a halt. For once the indefatigable spirit of Mumbai was not the talk of the town, something has definitely made the people think, enough is enough. Politicians acted late and there was a lot of Faux Pas in everything that they did and they say. So when Dr. Manmohan Singh came on National TV to make an inspiring speech to the nation that needed it the most, all he could do was sound mechanical and politically correct. Shivraj Patil, Home Minister, must have been used to making speeches that go into the “Don’ts” of good speech book. I mean he did it when there was attacks in Delhi, Gujrat and now in Mumbai. So when the Politicians were caught on the wrong foot, the saving grace were the men in uniform. The army took up the charge to rescue the hostages and clear the city of the terrorists.

Richa SMSed the other day saying that Sabina Sehgal (Good Food Guide fame) passed away and she had been one of those who followed her columns regularly, she was of course very hurt and disturbed. I understood one thing that the attack was not on Mumbai alone but on every single Indian, telling us that it can strike us anywhere anytime. Tomorrow celebrities/politticians would carry a candle march to some strategic point in the city, say some non sense praising the valiant effort of our soldiers and making themselves and their party heard more than anything else, and the next day we all would go back to our daily routine. And then, are we gonna wait for another blast to rock us, wake us up from our sleeps. Probably the time has come for us to stand up to the terrorists, counter the same. They have the audacity to break into our homes and sabotage it. We burn a few candles, make a few sound bytes and then go back home. Why can't we have our own Munich, our own Mumbai. “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”, is what Mahatma Gandhi said but I think at times its an eye for an eye that helps to save the whole world from being blind.

’84, ’93, ’08 – three major dates of dark history of terror attacks in India. The faults lies in us, we never took our politicians to task. They were never made accountable. Ain’t we at fault too.
At the same time I think all the politicians should understand that terrorism is a matter of national security and should not be politicized. We are not done in by terrorists but our very own politicians and those cowards who call them our leaders.
It will take time to find the real culprit but right all the fingers are pointing across the border and this is time to be a bit more stern and leave the cross border friendship for some other time.
Let’s pray for the souls of those departed and show our gratitude towards the people who restored the peace. And hope that this time we stand up to the dark hands behind this inhuman act and for a change take the attack to the other side. We were always been disappointed and hurt but this is the time to be more, to make the angst grow into something bigger and something that would be definitive.

So let’s get together to make a difference, coz we are the difference.

My Wish Comes True....

It was Praneesh’s wedding, I had already missed his engagement and missing his wedding would mean that I would be crucified. So I took a bus from Bikaner House to Jaipur.The bus reached Jaipur around 5 pm, ths sun was setting down behind the hills. The whole scene was picture perfect. As the Sun’s rays outlined the hills, the silhouette of Amber fort was as if somebody has carved the outlines of the fort with golden ink. The setting Sun made the whole surrounding so very romantic, something that cannot be captured in any camera, it can only be felt. It was a wonderful trip to Jaipur, and the icing on the cake was the scenic beauty of the silhouetted Amber fort on the top of the hills.
I reached Praneesh’s place at around 8 pm and then got a bit of scolding from Didi and Praneesh for being late. Then I had my dinner, must say I had the best of vegetarian dishes and the sweets were really out of this world. I mean I really loved them like anything. I gorged on the food and by the time I was over I needed a crane to carry me. Next day was to begin early and that’s why we decided to sleep early. Though the India Vs England cricket match kept us awake till the end but as soon as the match got over we decided to call it a day. The next day we got ready to leave early but then as always the deadline happened to be the same old Indian Stretchable Time and we neednot stretch ourselves. Yogesh reached at 10 am. I had some company. I mean earlier also there were people around but then you cannot be comfortable with new acquaintances, so Yogesh saved me from the situation. We left for Alwar(Bride’s hometown). It was another beautiful car drive to Alwar, with hills and forest on either sides. We also chanced upon a couple of Barasinghas on our way.
We reached Alwar by 5 pm, the baraat left at 9 pm and the phera got over at 2 am, I am rushing thru these details coz I think most of us know what happens in between. Okay now for the inquisitive one’s specially the Bajaj kind, there were girls and of course beautiful ones. The Sali sahiba was really beautiful and being an air hostess she definitely was hot. The ususal chhed chhad, and all those stuffs made the wedding even more interesting. So as we returned to Jaipur, Yogesh said right before dozing off “It was great”, he meant the wedding. I couldn’t agree more.

Seeing a friend getting married, losing his freedom and still smiling is something that I think not many of us can do. I mean who else can smile at the face of a storm.

All said and done, I am sure Aarti and Praneesh are going to make a wonderful couple and I pray for their blissfully wedded life. God bless both of you…

One More wicket falls!!!

It was Praneesh’s wedding, I had already missed his engagement and missing his wedding would mean that I would be crucified. So I took a bus from Bikaner House to Jaipur.The bus reached Jaipur around 5 pm, ths sun was setting down behind the hills. The whole scene was picture perfect. As the Sun’s rays outlined the hills, the silhouette of Amber fort was as if somebody has carved the outlines of the fort with golden ink. The setting Sun made the whole surrounding so very romantic, something that cannot be captured in any camera, it can only be felt. It was a wonderful trip to Jaipur, and the icing on the cake was the scenic beauty of the silhouetted Amber fort on the top of the hills.
I reached Praneesh’s place at around 8 pm and then got a bit of scolding from Didi and Praneesh for being late. Then I had my dinner, must say I had the best of vegetarian dishes and the sweets were really out of this world. I mean I really loved them like anything. I gorged on the food and by the time I was over I needed a crane to carry me. Next day was to begin early and that’s why we decided to sleep early. Though the India Vs England cricket match kept us awake till the end but as soon as the match got over we decided to call it a day. The next day we got ready to leave early but then as always the deadline happened to be the same old Indian Stretchable Time and we neednot stretch ourselves. Yogesh reached at 10 am. I had some company. I mean earlier also there were people around but then you cannot be comfortable with new acquaintances, so Yogesh saved me from the situation. We left for Alwar(Bride’s hometown). It was another beautiful car drive to Alwar, with hills and forest on either sides. We also chanced upon a couple of Barasinghas on our way.
We reached Alwar by 5 pm, the baraat left at 9 pm and the phera got over at 2 am, I am rushing thru these details coz I think most of us know what happens in between. Okay now for the inquisitive one’s specially the Bajaj kind, there were girls and of course beautiful ones. The Sali sahiba was really beautiful and being an air hostess she definitely was hot. The ususal chhed chhad, and all those stuffs made the wedding even more interesting. So as we returned to Jaipur, Yogesh said right before dozing off “It was great”, he meant the wedding. I couldn’t agree more.

Seeing a friend getting married, losing his freedom and still smiling is something that I think not many of us can do. I mean who else can smile at the face of a storm.

All said and done, I am sure Aarti and Praneesh are going to make a wonderful couple and I pray for their blissfully wedded life. God bless both of you…