Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Coffee Song

Call it obsession

Call it fanatical

But I am not trying

To make this a skeptical

I have this craving

Justifies behaving

I really need some of that

Ooo, good coffee

Strong coffee

I need to have some

Ooo, good coffee

Strong coffee

Ooo cappuchino

Double espresso

I need something with

A really big kick

You ask me about creamer

You ask me about sugar

I tell you those things make me sick

With my... (jars of clay)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A long weekday it was...

What a long week we had this time. Yeah I know nobody complains when it’s a long weekend, but weekdays, nobody likes to work. The best feeling in the world is to see others work for you. Although I haven’t yet reached tht level but trying to reach their soon enough.

Ohh! going off track again… Yeah, so we are paying for enjoying a long weekend last week. Why can’t we reverse this weekend/weekday funda. I mean hw about a 2 days weekday and 5 days weekend. For a year, just to see hw the employee productivity is increasing in those two days. A trial run for a year. I don’t think its gonna hamper anyone. The economy is in the worst position it won’t go down any further. We have tried so hard, worked five days a week, could we save the economy NO, so now for a change lets try something different, what say a 2 days weekday with higher productivity and less time for thinking about anything else, GOD ARE YOU LISTENING.

One thing is for sure this gonna make me a bit more efficient. I mean if not efficient at least would make me look a bit bz, all I look is revolving on my chair, talking to someone, writing blog, going through cricket scores or reading some stuff on the net. Rarely do you find me on my seat and rarer is to find me working. This would atleast increase the ‘work pressure’.

Long weekends and long time to spend with your family, friends and girl/boy friend(s). And now you know whom to thank, who came up with this idea.

I was gang-fooled!!!

Have you ever been gang-fooled, I mean like a team of people fooling you. It happened to me. My team, whom I thought to be my friends fooled me. We had a working Saturday and Richa told me on Friday that we have a presentation on Saturday. So come Saturday morning I put on my formals and was in office half-an-hour early so that I could go thru the presentation, one final time. I booked conference room, arranged for projector.

Then came the Devil who does not wear Prada (but would definitely love to), in short Richa. From her smile I knew something was wrong, yep she lied to me, rather fooled me conned me… There is no meeting. Ohh no, she had her revenge(that’s another story). Now I was the only guy in the office in formals, even top bosses were in their golf tees and jeans. Then Reetu came and she laughed when she came to know the reason behind my sense of dressing, Monika knew it since yesterday and she carried her smile from yesterday itself. Ankur the monster was at it again, he too knew it and didn’t bother to warn me. Vivek took time but soon understood that I was fooled.

I know I am down, but thou shalt rise, and thou fury will be the fire in which the traitors shalt burn… But as of now I don’t have anything but to admit that I have been fooled… BIG TIME. I know some of you might be laughing at this and some definitely thinking that I got a dose of what I serve other. But don’t worry I will be back…

Richa, Ankur and Monika… u r now on the top of my hit list… And Thou shalt see that the sinner(s) is brought to justice (Shakespearen stuff's cool, huh???)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Lazy meeeee.....

I have become too lazy. Have been thinking to start jogging and its been in the thought process for too long. I wake up early in the morning and then think watching breakfast news is a better idea. They show fitness stuffs on it and I change the channel lest it would inspire me to go jogging.

The only physical activity I am involved in is the badminton thingy that we do in the weekends else i have become a garfield of sort. Only food is getting all my attention. I am bored of being myself too.

I have been planning to watch a movie since last week but its not getting transmitted into action. My laziness is reaching new heights. Got to do something.

Anshul your pic is cool.

The only good thing happening now is Praneesh's is gonna get married, which means we(Bajaj, Yogesh, Deepika and Myself) all gonna have a great time in Jaipur, of course he gonna invite all of us. After long time friends would be meeting.

I want to write a book...

Powered by a few "thoughtfool" friends and a few utterrly butterly terribly disastrous moments in my life I planned to get my fingertips moving and do something more than just blogging, I mean start writing a book. I must say it wasn’t easy at all. You always want to write something that no one have thought of, which I think in this world of piracy and plagiarism a very wishful thinking, to say the least. I being human followed the same path too. After long sleepless nights that were spent in thinking about a topic that can touch a cord in everyone’s heart and make me the most popular person on Earth after The Pope, I gave up.

So then what did I do, I decided that if there's gonna be a story then it has to be about me, but then who would be interested in that, so I thought of writing about things that could have happened and had it happened then what. So the book would be a lot about would haves and could haves.

So I started with a big bang. I completed one chapter and then the irregularities set in and I left it there. Thinking that I would continue soon, but till then I just think I am gonna continue being in this lazy self of me, which is of course not very different from the active self of me either.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

IMRB Updates...

Sudhanshu is not talking now a days, not coz he has changed his habits but coz he is having a mouth ulcer. People are praying for the ulcer to stay as it is.

Richa is on a losing spree. I mean she first lost her pen drive, then she lost her watch (yep, she has changed her hello tune to Peechle Saat Dino) She got the pen drive back but then I doubt about the watch.

Deb had a twin. I saw their pics they are really cute, baby boys. Must be a proud father now. You know what I used to be under this impression during my childhood days that twins behave the way it is shown in Hindi... I mean you hit one and the other one is hurt type... They are so very misleading(i mean the hindi movies)...

Salt 'n Pepper (You know who) has changed a lot. I mean now he makes sense (at times) when he talks and also has developed some manners (by his standards he has climbed the Mt Everest)

I am doing nothing and killing my time at the office as always. Some things never change.

I saw this ad on TV, the Reliance ad where the main lead has jus one dialogue "Mere pass maa hai", did I hear Richa say "Ohh, Not again", I don't blame her she has actually been listening this fir the hundredth time. So, where was I, yeah this ad is really funny. Guys you must watch it.

Ankur is still here in the office making a proposal for his new project.

Everyone's working... okay not me, but of course I worked the whole morning, listening all the craps that my client had to say and churn out tables for them. OPkay guys gotta go as I have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow and then a mock one for SnP, also...

The Good Old Days...

Today morning a new idea struck me. Just think how cool it was during those tension free childhood days. I mean those cuteness and innocence that can never be traded for anything else in life. I always dream of going back to those days, when home assignment used to be the biggest tension in life.

I miss those mornings when I used to have breakfast while baba used to go through the morning newspaper. When evening hour cricket matches used to be on the topmost priority on the to do list.

When every rainy seasons meant making boats and seeing them sail with the stream of rain water.

Those days of innocence when nothing used to be purer than your thought. The world was such a beautiful place to be. When my pet used to be my best friend, when those innocent crushes used to be love stories. When friends meant life. When holidays meant meeting cousins and relatives.

Now when I sit infront of my PC and write these lines, I miss those days, I really do. How I wish they were back....

Week so far...

How badly am I missing those morning cup of steaming tea that maa used to make. I mean Hari bhai does serve tea but then you can never differentiate between his tea and boiled sugar syrup.

This week I had been to Amigo, it wasnt as bad as the guy in the Times Guide had rated it i mean the ambience and food was decent, nothing great but decent enough. But I think its not gonna make much business post the review.

Looking badly for two books. Seinlanguage by Jerry Seinfeld and H.I.V.E by Mark Walden, I really need them so if anyone of you have it then please be generous enough to send one copy to me. White Tiger got the bookers. I had bought the book a long time back but have not yet started reading the same. I think the bookers is a good enough incentive to start reading the book.

Have not been able to continue writing the book that I was thinking to write. Would definitely be writing it but then I think I will take sometime now, thinking about the new plots and sub plots for the same.

Was discussing with Richa and we both are really fed up of the crap that we are reading now-a-days and thats why we started reading something that is worthwhile. I am reading The Kiterunner.

This one is purely for Anshul, you are looking cute in that new pic of yours. Btw Bajaj is coming for Praneesh's marriage and I think there would be Yogesh also. Gonna be a great time then.

Has been planning for a long time to go on early morning joggings but then it is yet to get into action. At times I get so lazy that even sleeping makes me feel tired.

This must have been the most dry entry of the whole blog as boring as a weather forecast on a sunday afternoon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Of F1 and Badminton

Again he did it and this time in Japan. Now even kubic is saying that he can win, I mean thats what you do when you see the leader failing to finish on the podium for last few circuits.

Okay for those who have not understood what I have been talking about then here it is... I am talking about the Japanese GP that Alonso won and that left the F1 wide open. I mean the dish is getting spicier and you dont know who is going to win. So the next week I cannot plan anything and no matter how important things are going to be they are going to stalled till evening and see Hamilton, Massa and Kubic (good knows where did he come from) battle it out in the land of slit eyes and smashed nose.. China. I want Hamilton to win so badly that when he lost it at Japanese I ended up cursing him like no one else...

I mean how do you expect me to react, but thank God Praneesh didnt sms me or call me up. That would have been like adding salt to injury and rubbing it in even harder.

Sunday was cool otherwise. The weekend was long and that made more time for playing badminton. So we played on Thursday and Saturday. Navneet had come over and he joined us on Saturday's match.

Okay I lost a lot on the court both match and calories. Ritwik (pronounced, Ritik) was playing in his elements and Sumita who teamed up with him were really unbeatable. Navneet was back to basics and I was back to montessory days when everyone was to beat me in everything I tried. So ended up losing to everyone. I mean I understand its not important to win, whats more important is that we played, what a consolation, I am so good at this. Nirepinder and Richa played some superb games. Special mention for Richa who I think would be using an armour while playing next time, after being hit for god knows how many time.

Sumita had a s few old scores to settle with Navneet as she shot a few smashes in his direction which was evaded not-so-acrobatically by Navneet.


Sunday i was lazy and thats why badminton was out of question, but Richa and Nirepinder were at it. So I think the report of Sunday's game gonna be coming from their side.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Irritation At Its Best

I finished a new book, its called “Of Course I Love You… Till I find someone better!”. What a name for book. It was a good read, infact I finished it in one day, me being a really slow reader this was some achievements I must say. The story is nothing unusual but then you have this engineering guy falling in love and sleeping with every other girl in his life, until he finds this girl and then everything changes when she leaves him and the story takes you on a journey of this person.

While reading this book I learnt something, the most irritating thing in the world. No this is not something that the book had to say, it so happened that I was reading the book in my living room (I still don’t know how can a room be living, I mean living room, so the ones that are not living rooms are they non-living or dead rooms???) and Hari bhai, okay I need to introduce this person. He is the caretaker of the place where I stay. So, where was I, yeah, Hari Bhai came and sat on the sofa and then started discussing all his problems, daughter’s marriage to son’s lack of interest in studies. Why????? Why me???? I was thinking to myself. Can’t you see that I am reading a book? I mean it was so irritating that I put it on the top-most irritating habits. I mean digging your nose infront of someone, burping, farting and other such things will definitely make it to this list but then this one definitely gonna beat them all. I mean, you gotta be in such a situation, then only can you appreciate the desperation in this blog. That spurred me to think of such really irritating behaviors that I have been subjected to, so here they come not in the order of irritability:

1.Digging your nose: When the boss starts digging his nose while discussing something important. I mean you cannot take your eyes off him as his words are important and the action takes away the whole attention part. Then at the end of it all you know that you would be shaking hands with him…..yuuuucckkkk!!!

2.Mobile phones ringing in a theatre: You are not in a private theatre my dear friend. We all have paid to listen what the actors have to say and not to listen to the latest ringtones on your mobile phones. The worst is when the same thing happens during a play, its distracts every one, even the actors.

3.Honking at the signals: It gets on my nerves when a car starts honking for no reason at a signal. I mean what am I gonna do, jump over the rest of the carws, I am not riding a batmobile.

4.Burping and Farting: Control it, if you can’t then please excuse us from the torture. I mean why would anyone else be subjected to this torture for your wrong choice of diet.

5.Rash Autowallah: I mean it, these autorickshaw guys can be really rash. They get behind the wheel and drive it as if they are on F1 circuit. Hyderabadi auto guys are the worst they think themselves to be some distant relatives of Schumacher and driving at speeds below 70 kmph (which is nothing less than 300mph on a rush Hyderabad road) is insult to their clans and then you have to bear with their ear splitting South Indian music, which they think is the best way of entertainment for the passenger.

6.Smiling Airport Personnel: It happened to me in Surat. My flight was delayed and I had no clue where was I heading when I went upto this lady in the information counter and asked her “So when is the flight scheduled to arrive” and what do I get in return “We will get back to you in a moment” and broad smile, as if that smile is going to take me to my destination. FAKE SMILE AT ITS BEST.

7.Interruption in Cable Transmission: Everyone must have had this, I mean a crucial moment in the match, right at time of slog overs and the transmission goes off. I mean you don’t have you clue. The satellite is not receiving signal. You cannot even call up your operator and shout at him as he is not the guy who is at fault. What do you do sit there changing the channels, praying to god and cursing everyone.

8.Snoring co-passenger: In air, on road and on rail you find them everywhere and you don’t know what to do. All you know is that just nudge them and ask them to slow down. At times like this even the ear plugs show a white flag.

9.To be continued…: I hate this like anything, I mean I wasted a whole of 60 minutes watching a program just to read this “To be continued…”. What the hell man, I mean why am I put thru this torture? Then the whole is going to be spent thinking who it is gonna be… These detective series can really be bad.

These were some of the things that I could think of. If there’s anything that comes to your mind that you think needs to be here please let me know. And of course the above written stuff was not meant to be derogatory to anyone.

Btw I strictly stayed away from putting PJ into the list as that is something that I enjoyed…

Fitness Fever

I have decided to go for the Airtel Delh Half Marathon. Its on 9th Nov, post the mail from Richa asking us all to run, we joined the same. I think a bit of practice is definitely needed but then the lazy me is yet to wake up and accept the fact that without practice walking is also a tiring job. So I have kept my gymming stuffs in the office for a long time but I am yet to make myself go to the gym and pump some iron and sweat.

But I have started the badminton on a regular basis on the weekends. It all started with his unedited version of Richa’s words of wisdom “…with this lifestyle of ours we all going to have heart attacks at the age of 50”, I rarely think beyond weekends but that day I think I went a bit far, and thought about being 50 and dying of heart attack, and all this because I never listened to Richa. So we (Nirepinder, Sumita, Sudhanshu and Richa plus me) decided that fitness is something that we are not thinking about and that is not the right thing. So we thought of various tings that we can do, gymming and jogging did come to our mind and were rejected. Gymming being a regular exercise and we being irregular at regularities, gymming was thrown out of the windows. Then jogging is strictly for souls who believe in early to bed and early to rise, and we believe in neither. So we decided that we all should play badminton. Badminton means a lot of running, stretching and sweating and we would definitely burn a lot more calories than while gymming. So BADMINTON it was to be. So we decided to play at a court in Noida, sector-3. On the first day it was just Richa, Sumita and myself. Sumita and me reached first and as we were feeling hungry we decided to have something before the match. Health conscious people like us usually go to McDonald when they are hungry and this time too we headed for the same. This was to set the tone for the future.

As we moved to the second week, Nirepider, Navneet and Sudhanshu joined in. Every weekend since then we have been playing and of course after losing/burning those hard earned calories we also replenish it at nearest CafĂ© Coffee Day or Nirula’s. Amit and Ritwik(pronounced Ritik) are two new non-IMRB members who have joined us.

Matches have been really interesting and at times nail biting. I would never forget to mention the one played between the Invincible Duo (Richa and Nirepinder) and Navneet/Myself. It was a match to watch. We (Navneet/Myself) were reeling at 12-2, and the invincible duo were cruising to victory, when Navneet THE PHOENIX Singh Ahuja decided to turn the match and we won. This match till date remains as one of the most well fought matches.

We had our shares of off the court moments too. Navneet’s “Dude you are being rude” being made famous by its sheer rhymability (I won’t go any further into it as it can be used it is a blog item in itself). Our post game lunch sessions at some fast food QSR (Quick Service Restaurant, my learning at IMRB). People coming from Gurgaon and Delhi for the sheer passion of the game. Infact, Navneet bought his Diesel Swift just to drive all the way from Gurgaon to Noida and save money on petrol.

Stay connected for more reports on the weekend games, schedules and match results.

So until next time… astalavista

TV, Mobile and et al

Americans are group of amazing people. Yesterday I was watching this reality show, called MOMENT OF TRUTH, where the contestants are attached to a lie detector and then asked questions related to their past relationship, one night stands, extra marital affair and what not… all this on national television. Can you believe it, I mean husband coming to know about wife’s sexual relationships with ex-boyfriends even after marriage, wife realizing the cheat that her husband has been all through. Wow! I thought only aunties in Delhi were interested to know what’s happening behind the closed doors in the neighbor’s house.

Then I changed channels to see the Indian Big Brother, ohh I mean BIGG BOSS, I really don’t understand that extra ‘G’ in there. Is that really big, I mean BIG is not big enough let’s make it a little bit bigger by adding a ‘G’. 14 contestants in a single house for 84 days without any connection with the outerworld, except on Friday when Shilpa Shetty makes an appearance to throw someone out of the house. Seven days of utter non-sense I mean please get somebody whom we would like to see, I mean why the hell would I want to see Raja, you don’t know him, good! Then you have the babe of the show, Payal Rohatgi, now don’t tell me you don’t know her, she is the modern age Mamta Kulkarni. What a starcast, phew!!!

I tell you my life has become a lot boring. I mean why the hell am I commenting on this non-consequential shows when I know they really don’t mean much to even be mentioned on this blogspot…

Good news I have decided that I would be buying X1 – Xperia mobile from Sony Ericsson. I don’t know how much would that cost but then that’s what is right now on my mind. I am fed up using this Mughal-e-azam type mobile phone of mine, though it has never betrayed me but still that’s the only luxury with you have with mobile phones which you don’t have with girlfriends, I mean you can always change them when you want a new one.

What a sad week, Alonso won the Singapore GP, why the hell he needed to win. I mean he was no where in the contest and suddenly he had to add spice to this already spiced up dish called F1. At last Fischicella had a complete race I mean he lasted till the end, quite an achievement. Force India, they have rightly named it, I mean its like you are forcing the whole India to support this senior citizen of F1 circuit just coz he is driving a machine drape with our national colour.

Hey guys some new chic on the block, Emanuelle Chirqui, this girl was seen in the new Adam Sandler flick called Nobody Messes With Zohan, the movie had nothing to offer other than Emanuelle. I mean she is not super hot, but then she is.. you can say poor man’s Salma Hayek.

Now that I have covered everything, I mean cars, gadgets, girls and entertainment I need to end this mindless talk what say….

Bye bye… sayonara(it also means bye, just showing my multilingual talents)….

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Lazy Day

The easiest thing was to take a leave and not come to the office. But then the early morning cup of coffee and butter toast with egg poach is something that was very tempting. So when I reached office and had my breakfast, my whole purpose to stay in the office dried out. I decided to write it and thus opened up the blog page and now I am scribbling down my thoughts (if you allow me say so). Btw I was thinking wat do u say when u r actually scribbling ur thoughts but then using a keyboard to do so. Do you call it something like, e-scribbling or stuff.

I had not slept well yesterday. Not like I was awake thinking something gr8 but then I was watching DADA speaking to the media about his retirement. They are all making a lot of hues and cry about his retirement, the poor guy has suffered a lot leave him. Then I was flooded with more messages and phone calls than dada, himself. I know the calls were to make fun at me, so times I took and times I ignored. But why did dada choose such a time to quit I don’t understand. I always liked his style whether its batting or captaining. He was in true sense a struggler and a comeback man for me.

I called up Praneesh to tell him that DADA has quitted and I knew that he is gonna be very sarcastic with all his unintentionally intending jabs at dada. I banged the phone on him.

Then I called up a friend of mine who was a bit upset with me and the reason is truly hilarious, I am gonna share this: It so happened that the last time I called him he was watching a movie in those dark theatres. And as he and his girlfriend (both least bothered with the movie) made their moves to have their share of entertainment (read, a passionate kiss), the haddi rang, I mean the mobile. And the caller as you all must have guessed by now was ME. Both had to do away with the kiss for the rest of the movie, THE MOMENT LOST IS A MOMENT GONE BEGGING (moral of the story). And then on he avoided my calls and me… Hilarious, isn’t it, I fell laughing from my bed.

Its 11:40 am now still an hour and half more b4 I head for lunch. Sensex is acting like jack, the one who came “tumbling down the hill” . 10800 points what a fall, phew. Thank God!!! I didn’t invest it here. Oh my god!!! I haven’t invested anywhere…

Richa, Vivek and Monika are away on a meeting. Ankur is working out the weights for a project, Reetu is talking to a friend and ME, simply trying to look busy…

Btw its gonna be a long weekend from tomorrow… wow, so some sleep at last and long bedtimes…

Hey Bajju, Praneesh and Anshul… know wat I wake early… I mean no 12 noon morning cup of tea stuffs with me… and just for records, I am usually the first one to reach the office in my team…

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Superhero in ME... Time to show me some respect...

Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination

Green Lantern

Now you know who I am so show me some respect...


Check your hero quotient yourself:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Good Read...

Yesterday as I took an auto home, I was in for a surprise. I never knew that the guy in the driver’s seat is gonna have a great impact on me. Rather his long yet inspiring dialogue, left an unforgettable mark on my mind…

The driver was from Bihar - a small district called Burdwan. I had felt that my knowledge of development was too good and started having a small conversation with him regarding the latest development related activities which the new government of Bihar was doing. This includes setting up of educational institutes, infrasrtucture, setups for MNC's etc.

This is what the driver had to say (the entire thing was in Hindi but translated here for convenience of the idle reader) :

"Saab, I am matric pass. I call myself educated from Bihar standards but I know that I am still uneducated. When we uneducated people have a dispute, we have a fight. It may or may not be a fist fight but we definitely fight. We abuse and we shout and scream at each other. We say things about each other's mothers and sisters. We do everything that our feeble mind feels will give the other person pain. But we do it on their face. AND we forget about it as soon as the incidence is over.
What do educated people do saab? Look at Maharashtra. These people call themselves educated and developed? They keep small things in their hearts till these small things become big and then simply cut up the poor person who is living away from his village working in their homes, offices and factories, doing menial jobs just to ensure that his family back home is able to eat two meals a day! Will you call Bal Thakeray or what is his son's name...educated? If this is educated and developed, then I will not want Bihar to be this saab.
I will want that before opening all these IIM's and IIT's, we should first teach our people to live like ensure that the education - if and when they get it - is used for purposes that it should be used for...and these are for the development of the fellow beings living not only in their localities but also in their states and even more their country.
Its been such a long time since I last heard someone saying that he was from India saab. All that everyone says is that he is from a state of a region."

Eye opener? I was stunned by this seemingly 30-35 year old who claimed to be just class X pass to say something so astounding that I wish I could make him stand on a podium and say these words in front of the entire country....I wish I could hear him speak for some more time...