Friday, October 10, 2008

Irritation At Its Best

I finished a new book, its called “Of Course I Love You… Till I find someone better!”. What a name for book. It was a good read, infact I finished it in one day, me being a really slow reader this was some achievements I must say. The story is nothing unusual but then you have this engineering guy falling in love and sleeping with every other girl in his life, until he finds this girl and then everything changes when she leaves him and the story takes you on a journey of this person.

While reading this book I learnt something, the most irritating thing in the world. No this is not something that the book had to say, it so happened that I was reading the book in my living room (I still don’t know how can a room be living, I mean living room, so the ones that are not living rooms are they non-living or dead rooms???) and Hari bhai, okay I need to introduce this person. He is the caretaker of the place where I stay. So, where was I, yeah, Hari Bhai came and sat on the sofa and then started discussing all his problems, daughter’s marriage to son’s lack of interest in studies. Why????? Why me???? I was thinking to myself. Can’t you see that I am reading a book? I mean it was so irritating that I put it on the top-most irritating habits. I mean digging your nose infront of someone, burping, farting and other such things will definitely make it to this list but then this one definitely gonna beat them all. I mean, you gotta be in such a situation, then only can you appreciate the desperation in this blog. That spurred me to think of such really irritating behaviors that I have been subjected to, so here they come not in the order of irritability:

1.Digging your nose: When the boss starts digging his nose while discussing something important. I mean you cannot take your eyes off him as his words are important and the action takes away the whole attention part. Then at the end of it all you know that you would be shaking hands with him…..yuuuucckkkk!!!

2.Mobile phones ringing in a theatre: You are not in a private theatre my dear friend. We all have paid to listen what the actors have to say and not to listen to the latest ringtones on your mobile phones. The worst is when the same thing happens during a play, its distracts every one, even the actors.

3.Honking at the signals: It gets on my nerves when a car starts honking for no reason at a signal. I mean what am I gonna do, jump over the rest of the carws, I am not riding a batmobile.

4.Burping and Farting: Control it, if you can’t then please excuse us from the torture. I mean why would anyone else be subjected to this torture for your wrong choice of diet.

5.Rash Autowallah: I mean it, these autorickshaw guys can be really rash. They get behind the wheel and drive it as if they are on F1 circuit. Hyderabadi auto guys are the worst they think themselves to be some distant relatives of Schumacher and driving at speeds below 70 kmph (which is nothing less than 300mph on a rush Hyderabad road) is insult to their clans and then you have to bear with their ear splitting South Indian music, which they think is the best way of entertainment for the passenger.

6.Smiling Airport Personnel: It happened to me in Surat. My flight was delayed and I had no clue where was I heading when I went upto this lady in the information counter and asked her “So when is the flight scheduled to arrive” and what do I get in return “We will get back to you in a moment” and broad smile, as if that smile is going to take me to my destination. FAKE SMILE AT ITS BEST.

7.Interruption in Cable Transmission: Everyone must have had this, I mean a crucial moment in the match, right at time of slog overs and the transmission goes off. I mean you don’t have you clue. The satellite is not receiving signal. You cannot even call up your operator and shout at him as he is not the guy who is at fault. What do you do sit there changing the channels, praying to god and cursing everyone.

8.Snoring co-passenger: In air, on road and on rail you find them everywhere and you don’t know what to do. All you know is that just nudge them and ask them to slow down. At times like this even the ear plugs show a white flag.

9.To be continued…: I hate this like anything, I mean I wasted a whole of 60 minutes watching a program just to read this “To be continued…”. What the hell man, I mean why am I put thru this torture? Then the whole is going to be spent thinking who it is gonna be… These detective series can really be bad.

These were some of the things that I could think of. If there’s anything that comes to your mind that you think needs to be here please let me know. And of course the above written stuff was not meant to be derogatory to anyone.

Btw I strictly stayed away from putting PJ into the list as that is something that I enjoyed…