Friday, October 17, 2008

Lazy meeeee.....

I have become too lazy. Have been thinking to start jogging and its been in the thought process for too long. I wake up early in the morning and then think watching breakfast news is a better idea. They show fitness stuffs on it and I change the channel lest it would inspire me to go jogging.

The only physical activity I am involved in is the badminton thingy that we do in the weekends else i have become a garfield of sort. Only food is getting all my attention. I am bored of being myself too.

I have been planning to watch a movie since last week but its not getting transmitted into action. My laziness is reaching new heights. Got to do something.

Anshul your pic is cool.

The only good thing happening now is Praneesh's is gonna get married, which means we(Bajaj, Yogesh, Deepika and Myself) all gonna have a great time in Jaipur, of course he gonna invite all of us. After long time friends would be meeting.