Friday, October 10, 2008

Fitness Fever

I have decided to go for the Airtel Delh Half Marathon. Its on 9th Nov, post the mail from Richa asking us all to run, we joined the same. I think a bit of practice is definitely needed but then the lazy me is yet to wake up and accept the fact that without practice walking is also a tiring job. So I have kept my gymming stuffs in the office for a long time but I am yet to make myself go to the gym and pump some iron and sweat.

But I have started the badminton on a regular basis on the weekends. It all started with his unedited version of Richa’s words of wisdom “…with this lifestyle of ours we all going to have heart attacks at the age of 50”, I rarely think beyond weekends but that day I think I went a bit far, and thought about being 50 and dying of heart attack, and all this because I never listened to Richa. So we (Nirepinder, Sumita, Sudhanshu and Richa plus me) decided that fitness is something that we are not thinking about and that is not the right thing. So we thought of various tings that we can do, gymming and jogging did come to our mind and were rejected. Gymming being a regular exercise and we being irregular at regularities, gymming was thrown out of the windows. Then jogging is strictly for souls who believe in early to bed and early to rise, and we believe in neither. So we decided that we all should play badminton. Badminton means a lot of running, stretching and sweating and we would definitely burn a lot more calories than while gymming. So BADMINTON it was to be. So we decided to play at a court in Noida, sector-3. On the first day it was just Richa, Sumita and myself. Sumita and me reached first and as we were feeling hungry we decided to have something before the match. Health conscious people like us usually go to McDonald when they are hungry and this time too we headed for the same. This was to set the tone for the future.

As we moved to the second week, Nirepider, Navneet and Sudhanshu joined in. Every weekend since then we have been playing and of course after losing/burning those hard earned calories we also replenish it at nearest CafĂ© Coffee Day or Nirula’s. Amit and Ritwik(pronounced Ritik) are two new non-IMRB members who have joined us.

Matches have been really interesting and at times nail biting. I would never forget to mention the one played between the Invincible Duo (Richa and Nirepinder) and Navneet/Myself. It was a match to watch. We (Navneet/Myself) were reeling at 12-2, and the invincible duo were cruising to victory, when Navneet THE PHOENIX Singh Ahuja decided to turn the match and we won. This match till date remains as one of the most well fought matches.

We had our shares of off the court moments too. Navneet’s “Dude you are being rude” being made famous by its sheer rhymability (I won’t go any further into it as it can be used it is a blog item in itself). Our post game lunch sessions at some fast food QSR (Quick Service Restaurant, my learning at IMRB). People coming from Gurgaon and Delhi for the sheer passion of the game. Infact, Navneet bought his Diesel Swift just to drive all the way from Gurgaon to Noida and save money on petrol.

Stay connected for more reports on the weekend games, schedules and match results.

So until next time… astalavista


n'sa said...

pretty well written mr. mohanty and thanks for all the appreciation. don't worry, i will rise again 'dude' :-)