Saturday, October 18, 2008

A long weekday it was...

What a long week we had this time. Yeah I know nobody complains when it’s a long weekend, but weekdays, nobody likes to work. The best feeling in the world is to see others work for you. Although I haven’t yet reached tht level but trying to reach their soon enough.

Ohh! going off track again… Yeah, so we are paying for enjoying a long weekend last week. Why can’t we reverse this weekend/weekday funda. I mean hw about a 2 days weekday and 5 days weekend. For a year, just to see hw the employee productivity is increasing in those two days. A trial run for a year. I don’t think its gonna hamper anyone. The economy is in the worst position it won’t go down any further. We have tried so hard, worked five days a week, could we save the economy NO, so now for a change lets try something different, what say a 2 days weekday with higher productivity and less time for thinking about anything else, GOD ARE YOU LISTENING.

One thing is for sure this gonna make me a bit more efficient. I mean if not efficient at least would make me look a bit bz, all I look is revolving on my chair, talking to someone, writing blog, going through cricket scores or reading some stuff on the net. Rarely do you find me on my seat and rarer is to find me working. This would atleast increase the ‘work pressure’.

Long weekends and long time to spend with your family, friends and girl/boy friend(s). And now you know whom to thank, who came up with this idea.