Monday, October 13, 2008

Of F1 and Badminton

Again he did it and this time in Japan. Now even kubic is saying that he can win, I mean thats what you do when you see the leader failing to finish on the podium for last few circuits.

Okay for those who have not understood what I have been talking about then here it is... I am talking about the Japanese GP that Alonso won and that left the F1 wide open. I mean the dish is getting spicier and you dont know who is going to win. So the next week I cannot plan anything and no matter how important things are going to be they are going to stalled till evening and see Hamilton, Massa and Kubic (good knows where did he come from) battle it out in the land of slit eyes and smashed nose.. China. I want Hamilton to win so badly that when he lost it at Japanese I ended up cursing him like no one else...

I mean how do you expect me to react, but thank God Praneesh didnt sms me or call me up. That would have been like adding salt to injury and rubbing it in even harder.

Sunday was cool otherwise. The weekend was long and that made more time for playing badminton. So we played on Thursday and Saturday. Navneet had come over and he joined us on Saturday's match.

Okay I lost a lot on the court both match and calories. Ritwik (pronounced, Ritik) was playing in his elements and Sumita who teamed up with him were really unbeatable. Navneet was back to basics and I was back to montessory days when everyone was to beat me in everything I tried. So ended up losing to everyone. I mean I understand its not important to win, whats more important is that we played, what a consolation, I am so good at this. Nirepinder and Richa played some superb games. Special mention for Richa who I think would be using an armour while playing next time, after being hit for god knows how many time.

Sumita had a s few old scores to settle with Navneet as she shot a few smashes in his direction which was evaded not-so-acrobatically by Navneet.


Sunday i was lazy and thats why badminton was out of question, but Richa and Nirepinder were at it. So I think the report of Sunday's game gonna be coming from their side.