Wednesday, October 15, 2008

IMRB Updates...

Sudhanshu is not talking now a days, not coz he has changed his habits but coz he is having a mouth ulcer. People are praying for the ulcer to stay as it is.

Richa is on a losing spree. I mean she first lost her pen drive, then she lost her watch (yep, she has changed her hello tune to Peechle Saat Dino) She got the pen drive back but then I doubt about the watch.

Deb had a twin. I saw their pics they are really cute, baby boys. Must be a proud father now. You know what I used to be under this impression during my childhood days that twins behave the way it is shown in Hindi... I mean you hit one and the other one is hurt type... They are so very misleading(i mean the hindi movies)...

Salt 'n Pepper (You know who) has changed a lot. I mean now he makes sense (at times) when he talks and also has developed some manners (by his standards he has climbed the Mt Everest)

I am doing nothing and killing my time at the office as always. Some things never change.

I saw this ad on TV, the Reliance ad where the main lead has jus one dialogue "Mere pass maa hai", did I hear Richa say "Ohh, Not again", I don't blame her she has actually been listening this fir the hundredth time. So, where was I, yeah this ad is really funny. Guys you must watch it.

Ankur is still here in the office making a proposal for his new project.

Everyone's working... okay not me, but of course I worked the whole morning, listening all the craps that my client had to say and churn out tables for them. OPkay guys gotta go as I have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow and then a mock one for SnP, also...