Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week so far...

How badly am I missing those morning cup of steaming tea that maa used to make. I mean Hari bhai does serve tea but then you can never differentiate between his tea and boiled sugar syrup.

This week I had been to Amigo, it wasnt as bad as the guy in the Times Guide had rated it i mean the ambience and food was decent, nothing great but decent enough. But I think its not gonna make much business post the review.

Looking badly for two books. Seinlanguage by Jerry Seinfeld and H.I.V.E by Mark Walden, I really need them so if anyone of you have it then please be generous enough to send one copy to me. White Tiger got the bookers. I had bought the book a long time back but have not yet started reading the same. I think the bookers is a good enough incentive to start reading the book.

Have not been able to continue writing the book that I was thinking to write. Would definitely be writing it but then I think I will take sometime now, thinking about the new plots and sub plots for the same.

Was discussing with Richa and we both are really fed up of the crap that we are reading now-a-days and thats why we started reading something that is worthwhile. I am reading The Kiterunner.

This one is purely for Anshul, you are looking cute in that new pic of yours. Btw Bajaj is coming for Praneesh's marriage and I think there would be Yogesh also. Gonna be a great time then.

Has been planning for a long time to go on early morning joggings but then it is yet to get into action. At times I get so lazy that even sleeping makes me feel tired.

This must have been the most dry entry of the whole blog as boring as a weather forecast on a sunday afternoon.