Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Good Old Days...

Today morning a new idea struck me. Just think how cool it was during those tension free childhood days. I mean those cuteness and innocence that can never be traded for anything else in life. I always dream of going back to those days, when home assignment used to be the biggest tension in life.

I miss those mornings when I used to have breakfast while baba used to go through the morning newspaper. When evening hour cricket matches used to be on the topmost priority on the to do list.

When every rainy seasons meant making boats and seeing them sail with the stream of rain water.

Those days of innocence when nothing used to be purer than your thought. The world was such a beautiful place to be. When my pet used to be my best friend, when those innocent crushes used to be love stories. When friends meant life. When holidays meant meeting cousins and relatives.

Now when I sit infront of my PC and write these lines, I miss those days, I really do. How I wish they were back....