Saturday, October 18, 2008

I was gang-fooled!!!

Have you ever been gang-fooled, I mean like a team of people fooling you. It happened to me. My team, whom I thought to be my friends fooled me. We had a working Saturday and Richa told me on Friday that we have a presentation on Saturday. So come Saturday morning I put on my formals and was in office half-an-hour early so that I could go thru the presentation, one final time. I booked conference room, arranged for projector.

Then came the Devil who does not wear Prada (but would definitely love to), in short Richa. From her smile I knew something was wrong, yep she lied to me, rather fooled me conned me… There is no meeting. Ohh no, she had her revenge(that’s another story). Now I was the only guy in the office in formals, even top bosses were in their golf tees and jeans. Then Reetu came and she laughed when she came to know the reason behind my sense of dressing, Monika knew it since yesterday and she carried her smile from yesterday itself. Ankur the monster was at it again, he too knew it and didn’t bother to warn me. Vivek took time but soon understood that I was fooled.

I know I am down, but thou shalt rise, and thou fury will be the fire in which the traitors shalt burn… But as of now I don’t have anything but to admit that I have been fooled… BIG TIME. I know some of you might be laughing at this and some definitely thinking that I got a dose of what I serve other. But don’t worry I will be back…

Richa, Ankur and Monika… u r now on the top of my hit list… And Thou shalt see that the sinner(s) is brought to justice (Shakespearen stuff's cool, huh???)